•   Family Medicine Santa Cruz

UCSF-Family Medicine

Our Services

Family Medicine: The Center of Primary Care

Family Medicine: Your Health, Your Home

Family medicine is more than just a medical specialty; it’s a cornerstone of primary care. Unlike specialists focused on specific organs or diseases, family physicians are equipped to handle a wide range of health concerns for people of all ages. This comprehensive approach means that you can rely on your family doctor for:

  • Personalized Care: Building enduring relationships based on trust and understanding.
  • Holistic Health: Considering your overall well-being, including social and environmental factors.
  • First Point of Contact: Serving as your primary healthcare provider for most health concerns.
  • Healthcare Navigation: Guiding you through the complex healthcare system, coordinating specialist care and follow-up.
  • Data-Driven Care: Utilizing technology and data to improve your care and outcomes.
  • Family-Centered Approach: Understanding how your health impacts your loved ones.

Whether you’re a child, an adult, or a senior, your physician is here to care and support your needs.